SISU Thunderbirds Uniform and Gear Store
Hello everyone. We are pleased to be sharing the information regarding our team store for the
upcoming season. Please see below for the details regarding the requirement of players, the
ordering process and some additional details. Please pay close attention to the dates that are
identified as some of these details are time sensitive.
The team store is open now and will remain open through Sunday June 30
Store will close on MONDAY July 1
Link to the store: SISU Thunderbirds Team Store
Required items to be purchased during this store opening by all players:
These items must be purchased during this store in order for us to guarantee we have them for
our mid August events as a club. If you do not place the order during this time window you will
run the risk of not having jersey kits for games, etc.
1. Game Jerseys (Home and Away)
2. Shell
3. Game Socks (Home and Away - You can order multiple pairs if you desire)
4. Practice Jersey (Select Forward/Center, Defense or Goalie – check with your coach if
you are unclear which to order)
5. Practice socks (only one pair of black is required, you can order multiple pairs if you
Optional items to be purchased during this store opening:
1. Warmup zip up hoodie and warmup jogger pants (returning players can reuse last
seasons if you choose)
2. Performance shorts (all players order new – returning and new)
3. Performance shirts (all players order new – returning and new)
4. Hockey bags (for non returning players, optional for returning players)
In an effort to help balance the initial cost burden of ordering all required materials, we are going
to be providing another purchasing window in a few weeks to allow for families to defer ordering
some of the items that are required for the season. This will be for the items listed above as
General notes:
1. You will need your player number in order to complete purchase
2. Returning players have the option of continuing to use their Thunderbirds hockey bags
or purchase a new one. Same for the warm up suit (joggers and zip up hoodie.
3. Pay attention to sizes – there are both Adult and Youth sizes
4. In an effort to provide options at different price points for our families, there are multiple
brands available for purchase. This applies to the warmup suits, performance shorts
and performance shirts. While each of these products is required, please choose the
brand/price point that best suits your preference.
5. Custom gloves that are shown are not required and are optional. Anticipate 8-10 weeks
for production from the time the first orders are started.
6. There will be additional items geared more towards families and friends that will be
added in the coming month for purchase
7. All players are required to have a white helmet. This is to be purchased on your own
8. Gloves – player gloves are to be Black, Black w/white lettering, any combination of
purple/yellow/black. Other colors not permitted please.
9. Helmet stickers will be ordered separately
Please reach out to, or with any questions regarding ordering process or sizing.